Misclassification of Employees

misclassification of employee as a contractor

In the ever-evolving business world, there’s a rapidly expanding class of workers: independent contractors. Their increasing numbers bring up questions about independent contractor status, and one of the most pressing of these inquiries concerns employee misclassification.

There is a growing trend among businesses to reclassify their employees as independent contractors. However, the line separating these two categories is often blurred, leading to the phenomenon of misclassifying workers as independent contractors. When a worker is not genuinely self-employed and yet treated as an independent contractor, a host of legal complications arise.

The Essence of Independent Contractor Status

Independent contractors are self-employed individuals who offer their services to small businesses. They retain control over the work they do, including how, when, and where they complete it. This business relationship grants them greater flexibility but also places more responsibilities on their shoulders, including managing all their own taxes, retirement, and health insurance needs as well as managing their time and finances well enough to allow for sick days, vacations, etc.

The key to worker classification lies in the degree of control that a company exerts over the worker’s job. This extends beyond the mere completion of tasks and into the realm of financial control and the nature of the business relationship. If these factors lean toward company control, it raises a red flag, potentially signaling that a worker misclassified as an independent contractor may be an employee in disguise.

Is This a Big Deal?

Misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor has far-reaching implications. Economically, it has a significant impact on both federal and state governments, and it often results in reduced tax revenue. It places undue burdens on misclassified workers, who are stripped of employee benefits they are legally entitled to, like minimum wage, overtime pay, and workers compensation coverage.

Misclassification also impacts a worker’s economic security and the benefits they receive under the Fair Labor Standards Act and the National Labor Relations Act. Employee benefits, such as vacation pay and pension plans, vanish, causing financial strain on the worker. Furthermore, misclassified employees are ineligible for unemployment insurance and can’t avail themselves of worker protections offered by various federal and state agencies.

Motivations Behind Employee Misclassification

Why do employers misclassify employees? The primary answer is simple: labor costs. Classifying employees as independent contractors allows employers to sidestep many costs associated with having employees, such as payroll taxes, social security taxes, Medicare taxes, unemployment taxes, and the overhead of providing employee benefits, like health insurance.

Employee or Independent Contractor? Four Factors

Four factors are primarily used to distinguish between an employee and an independent contractor.

  1. First, we look at the degree of control exercised by the employer. If a business is in more or less complete control of how and when a worker performs his or her job, it points towards employee status.
  2. Second, the worker’s investment in facilities and equipment is considered. Genuine independent contractors invest personally in the tools they require for their job. Employees are usually given the tools they need for work by their employer.
  3. Thirdly, we examine the worker’s opportunity for profit or loss. An independent contractor often faces the possibility of financial loss, while employees typically do not.
  4. Lastly, the permanency of the business relationship is evaluated. Employees usually have a longer-term relationship with their employer, while an independent contractor engages in a more temporary or project-based relationship.

Several industries are more prone to employee misclassification than others. These typically include home health aides, construction, trucking, and janitorial services, among others. In these fields, the issue of misclassifying workers as independent contractors is more prevalent and damaging.

Home health aides represent one of the most heavily impacted sectors when it comes to misclassification. These workers often find themselves misclassified as independent contractors, depriving them of the right to overtime pay, minimum wage protections, and health insurance. Their plight underscores the urgent need to address worker misclassification.

Taking Action Against Misclassification

Anyone who believes they have been misclassified as an independent contractor can report this to the IRS. They can use IRS Form SS-8 to provide details about their working relationship with their client company, and the IRS will determine their employment status.

The Self-Employed: A Distinct Category

It is crucial to note that people who are genuinely self-employed and operate their businesses are indeed independent contractors. These individuals have complete control over their work, can have multiple clients, and shoulder all aspects of their business, including managing their taxes, getting health insurance, and deciding for themselves when and where they will work.

The Fair Labor Standards

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that provides protections for workers, such as minimum wage, overtime pay, and restrictions on child labor. Misclassification can deprive workers of these vital protections. Therefore, maintaining correct worker classification aligns with the spirit of Fair Labor Standards.

The National Employment Law Project (NELP) has been instrumental in addressing worker misclassification. This organization has made significant strides in educating workers about their rights and advocating for improved enforcement of worker classification laws. The NELP continues to work diligently to bring the plight of misclassified workers to light and seek solutions to mitigate the issue.

Ensuring Just Worker Classification: A Call to Action

Misclassification of employees is not a simple tax issue; it’s a matter of economic fairness and workers’ rights. As we continue to see the rise of independent contractors, we must ensure that businesses uphold the correct classification of workers.

This practice is not just essential for tax revenue but vital for the economic security and well-being of the American workforce. It’s our shared responsibility, as professionals, workers, businesses, and government agencies, to enforce these principles and promote fair labor standards for all.

Misclassifying workers not only leads to legal repercussions and financial penalties but also undermines the economic reality of workers and chips away at the foundations of our labor laws. Therefore, it’s our collective duty to ensure workers are correctly classified, protected, and rewarded for their efforts.

Consequences of Misclassification

Health Insurance

Health insurance is one of the benefits often lost in the shuffle of employee misclassification. It’s a concern for misclassified workers who aren’t eligible for employer-sponsored health plans as an independent contractor, often leading to a compromise on their healthcare needs. On the other hand, genuine independent contractors must shoulder the burden of their health insurance, which can represent a significant expense.

Worker Protections

Misclassifying workers as independent contractors creates a significant barrier to worker protections. These protections range from workplace safety regulations to anti-discrimination laws. By misclassifying employees, businesses may be able to skirt these protections, leading to potential exploitation and unsafe working conditions.

Social Security

Social security benefits, an integral part of employee benefits, also take a hit when workers are misclassified as independent contractors. As employers aren’t obligated to pay social security taxes for an independent contractor, the future economic security of misclassified workers can be endangered if they do not pay all their taxes for themselves, leading to reduced social security benefits when they retire or in the event of disability.

Federal and State Needs

Both federal and state governments have a vested interest in correctly classifying workers. Misclassification can lead to significant losses in tax revenue and place undue pressure on state unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation funds. Therefore, these governments and their respective agencies are actively involved in enforcing correct worker classification.

Workers Compensation

Misclassification of employees can often lead to a denial of workers’ compensation claims; this is because employers are not required to carry workers’ compensation insurance for an independent contractor. Consequently, if a worker is injured on the job, they may find themselves without recourse to medical coverage or wage replacement if they’re misclassified as an independent contractor.

Unemployment Insurance

Misclassified workers are often denied unemployment benefits, which are typically available to employees but not to an independent contractor. When businesses misclassify employees, the unemployment insurance system is deprived of funds, leading to a strain on these resources. Furthermore, the misclassified employees themselves are left without a safety net in times of job loss.

Unemployment taxes, which are paid by employers, fund unemployment benefits for workers who lose their jobs. However, when businesses misclassify their employees as independent contractors, they circumvent these taxes. This practice not only places a strain on state unemployment insurance funds but also deprives misclassified employees of their rightful unemployment benefits.

Vacation Pay

Another casualty of worker misclassification is vacation pay. Most employees are entitled to paid time off or vacation pay, but these benefits typically do not extend to an independent contractor. Thus, misclassified workers often find themselves without these vital benefits, underscoring the economic and personal toll of misclassification.


Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), employees have the right to form, join, or assist labor organizations and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing. However, these protections do not extend to an independent contractor. Thus, by misclassifying employees, businesses can effectively sidestep the NLRA and deprive workers of their collective bargaining rights.

Overtime Pay

Misclassification can also deprive those with an independent contractor status of their rightful overtime pay. The Fair Labor Standards Act mandates that employees are entitled to time-and-a-half pay for any hours worked over 40 in a week. However, an independent contractor is exempt from these provisions, leaving misclassified workers without additional compensation for their overtime hours.

Local Consequences

While much focus is placed on the federal implications of worker misclassification, it is also crucial to understand the local dimension of this issue. Local laws can also be affected by misclassification, leading to decreased funding for local services and programs. It’s important for local governments to enforce their worker classification laws and ensure businesses are correctly classifying their workers.

Decoding a Worker’s Status

The worker’s status, whether an employee or independent contractor, is often difficult to ascertain. Factors like the level of control the employer has over the worker, the degree to which the worker is economically dependent on the employer, and the permanency of the relationship are all integral to determining the worker’s status. It’s a delicate balance but crucial to ensuring worker protections.

The principle of economic reality is fundamental in worker classification. It emphasizes that a worker’s job should not just be seen through the prism of contract terms but also considered in how the work operates in reality. This concept of economic reality means that a worker could be economically dependent on an employer and therefore an employee, even if their contract states that they’re an independent contractor.

The Role of The Internal Revenue Service and Department of Labor in Worker Classification

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) plays a critical role in determining a worker’s status. It utilizes a range of tests, including the common-law test and the economic realities test, to assess the degree of control an employer has over a worker. If someone is unsure of their employment status, they can file an SS-8 form with the IRS, who will then make a determination.

The United States Department of Labor (DOL), particularly its Wage and Hour Division, has been at the forefront of tackling worker misclassification. The DOL has issued guidance to help businesses understand and correctly apply the Fair Labor Standards Act in the context of worker classification. It has also pursued enforcement actions against employers who misclassify their employees as independent contractors, seeking back wages and penalties.

Misclassifying employees as independent contractors breaches the spirit of Fair Labor Standards. The Fair Labor Standards Act is designed to ensure that workers are paid fairly for their labor, including receiving minimum wage and overtime pay. Misclassification often deprives workers of these benefits, contrary to the intent of the legislation.

The Role of Tax Lawyers in Employee Misclassification Cases

If you are a business owner who’s faced with legal issues surrounding the misclassification of employees as independent contractors, a small business tax lawyer can be your guiding star. Navigating this legal quagmire is challenging, and the professional advice and intervention of a tax lawyer is invaluable.

Our lawyers are well-versed in the legal terrain of worker classification and possess a deep understanding of both federal and state laws. They can analyze your unique business situation, review your existing worker classification practices, and offer guidance on how to classify your workers correctly. This involves an intricate understanding of factors such as the degree of control you exert over your workers, their economic dependence on your business, the permanency of your business relationship, and other essential aspects of your working arrangement.

Determining Status

A lawyer can help you determine if a worker is genuinely an independent contractor or if they are indeed employees in the eyes of the law. This determination is achieved by applying the legal tests established by various federal and state agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and the United States Department of Labor, among others.

The importance of a clear and legally sound contract cannot be overemphasized. Our lawyers can review your existing contracts with independent contractors and employees. They can identify potential areas of ambiguity that may lead to misclassification and help rewrite contracts to provide clarity. This step not only ensures that your workers understand the terms of their engagement but also reduces the risk of future litigation.

Addressing the Past

Another critical aspect of a lawyer’s role is in dealing with the repercussions of past misclassification. If you’ve misclassified your employees as independent contractors, you might face financial penalties, back taxes, and even lawsuits. Your lawyer can represent you in these matters, negotiate on your behalf, and work towards achieving the best possible outcome.

A lawyer is instrumental in helping mitigate potential tax liabilities arising from employee misclassification. Unresolved, these liabilities can cause financial strain, impacting your business’s bottom line. Accrued payroll taxes, social security, and Medicare taxes, as well as unemployment taxes, could amount to a significant sum. Your lawyer will evaluate these tax obligations and devise strategies to manage them effectively.

Improving Future Employee Relations

A tax lawyer can also assist in the formulation of written contracts that clearly outline the nature of your working relationship with your workers. A well-drafted contract is an essential tool for defining the scope of work and expectations, thus minimizing the risk of misclassification.

Our lawyers can help to future-proof your business against potential misclassification issues in other ways, too. They can assist in creating an in-depth, future-oriented worker classification policy. This policy would consider evolving legal landscapes and ensure your business remains compliant with any changes to independent contractor laws and regulations. It could also include periodic reviews and audits to verify ongoing compliance.

A lawyer can also provide compliance training to your human resources team or those responsible for hiring and payroll decisions. This training can help your team understand the nuances of worker classification, allowing them to make informed decisions when hiring new workers or managing existing ones. This proactive approach can prevent future misclassification issues and save your business from potential legal troubles down the line.

Overcoming Litigation Hurdles

Employee misclassification can lead to legal actions by misclassified workers seeking compensation for lost wages and benefits. You need to understand now whether any of your employees might have a case and get things fixed. And if you’re already undergoing litigation, a tax lawyer’s services are even more invaluable. With their profound knowledge of labor laws, tax lawyers can craft solid defense strategies, challenge unfounded claims, and work towards the most favorable resolution of any legal disputes.

Assisting with Governmental Inquiries

Federal and state agencies routinely conduct audits and investigations to verify worker classification. In such instances, having a tax lawyer by your side can be of immense benefit. They can liaise with these agencies, provide the necessary documentation, and effectively represent your business, ensuring you meet all regulatory requirements and mitigating the risk of fines and penalties.

Why Seattle Legal Services, PLLC Is Your Go-To Solution

If you’re in the Seattle area and facing legal troubles due to the misclassification of workers, Seattle Legal Services, PLLC is ready to assist. Our team of experienced lawyers is equipped with the expertise and dedication required to navigate these complex legal issues.

We will work closely with you to review and address your current classification practices and provide advice on aligning them with legal requirements. If you’re grappling with the consequences of past misclassification, we will represent you robustly, always seeking the most favorable outcome.

The challenges surrounding worker misclassification are complex, but they are not insurmountable. With the right legal guidance, you can navigate this landscape confidently. We urge you to take action now, whether you know you have a problem or you just want to avoid one in the future. The potential costs of misclassification aren’t worth the temporary financial benefits today. Don’t let worker misclassification hamper your business. Reach out to Seattle Legal Services, PLLC today at 206-536-3152, and let us guide you on the path to compliance and peace of mind.